Monday 4 August 2014

The beginning

      I have decided to record my journey through this recovery for my benefit mainly and if it helps anyone else then even better. "Yummy Mommy" surgery combines breast argumentation or uplift and a tummy tuck. 2 main areas of the body majorly affected by having children.
       I'm 32 years old, mother of 2 and just had a full tummy tuck with muscle repair and breast re-augmentation sub pectoral (under the muscle).
I'm 5ft2, 8.66 st (55kg) and size 8 Uk.
   I've never been overweight, I don't smoke, I don't eat junk food, but after 2 pregnancies I've been left with excess skin at the front of my tummy that wasn't going away no matter what. I've been running and doing gym classes 3-4 times a week minimum for over 2 years as a regular thing. So I have indeed tried everything else.
I have been thinking about this for many years, don't believe I have done this on a whim. I have booked it twice previously and backed out of it. I wasn't ready. Emotionally, financially, time off work, support at home etc. Now everything was in place. I had the chance to take enough time off to recover, had enough money (£9.5k) had the support from my husband as even he agreed that I don't want it as a quick fix.
I booked the surgery at Fitzroy hospital in London. The admission time was 7am, on 30th July 2014.  Dr S. was my surgeon, who was great.
I had 2 consultations with him, as had many questions. To
I had a BA (breast argumentation) when I was 19. I never regretted that, it has boosted my confidence  to no end, made me feel like a woman not a teenage boy. At the time I didn't want anyone to know so I opted for anatomical shape (teardrop) and small ones: 250cc Mentor, cohesive gel, textured, over the muscle.

During the consultation with another surgeon, he suggested one might be ruptured. And he would recommend an ultrasound and he would give me 375cc- maximum 410cc as new ones. I had an ultrasound through my doctor and it was ok, no ruptures.

Dr S. said they are probably rotated hence they look a bit deflated/ rippled. And he would recommend 500cc overs if I want to achieve a DD or more. The size has been troubling my mind a long time "will it be too big?". I'm too active to carry 1kg of extra weight on my front.. It gives you a bad back and probably quite uncomfortable.
At the 2nd consult with him he said why do you want them so big?! You're too petite for 500!"
I had to laugh and said it was HIM who recommended that! I also said that I did more research and it would really bother me if I had rippling afterwards. This happens if the implants are over the muscle and the skin is too thin so the implants are visible. What's the point in having them big it you can't show them off? Google " implant rippling" if unsure what that looks like, you'll understand what I mean then.
So Dr S. said I can decide on the morning of the op as he has enough stock. But 500cc can't go under the muscle, too big for my chest. I said I'll be happy with smaller if it can go under.

As for my tummy, he said he will do a full TT with muscle repair (although they aren't too bad). He also doesn't use drains. At all! Not even for the TT. He said he will use a technique called "quilting" in my abdominoplasty which basically means he will put small sutures in place inside the tummy skin that will attach it back to the muscles, in this way minimising the pockets where fluid could build up. This also gives less strain on the main stitching. It's not fail proof but recovery is quicker without the drains.
I'm going to try and split this blog into stages, apologies if it's messy, I'm new to this blogging thing :)

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