Monday 4 August 2014

Day 2-3 post op

Day 2 and 3 kind of blur into one.. I was keeping on top of my medication and resting, not much sleeping though, still only 6hrs sleep. With 2 children around it's impossible, especially that I'm now camping in the living room. 
However there has been 2 developments I didn't expect (with all my research). 
Nr 1- the entire back muscles have gone into major cramping mode. From all the hunching over, if I sat, lay or stand the back was in agony. It's worse than my actual operated parts.
Nr 2-my labia is extremely swollen. It's like a growing sausage, and uncomfortable to walk or even sit. Considering I'm spending most of my time sitting, semi-lying it's even worse. I've been keeping ice packs between my legs for 2 days now. It doesn't get worse and I THINK it helps, but still extremely swollen. I will spare you the horror of a picture. It's also getting darker in colour. My left side is worse than the right. I looked on line and apparently it's normal. 

Another thing I've noticed is my skin condition. It's working over time. It's grainy, oily. It seems that it's clearing. I've scrubbed my face, wiped it every few hours, but nothing seems to do it. 
Also on the 3rd day I was able to go have a bowel movement (as the doctors would say). The ExLax worked fine.

The corset is constantly rolling down and digging into my ribs, I wonder sometimes if it cuts off the circulation and making things worse..I managed to move the hooks onto the 2nd loser setting. Apart from a few of then around my new belly button. 
I managed to wash my own face and brush my teeth. Pushed myself up on the sofa husband still has to brush my hair. He used some dry shampoo, which did make me feel a bit better.. He's lovely:) 
Went to bed (sofa) at midnight, after taking paracetamol with co-codeine that my husband got from the pharmacy. It got me in cold shivers all over to the point where I was actually shaking like it was -30. But it knocked me off to sleep till 6am. 

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