Saturday 27 September 2014

8 weeks post op

Well what can I say... It gets better. There's some swelling still but only in the lower part of the tummy, from the belly button down. Speaking of which, the belly button has gained a nice shape, and will be lovely once the scar has faded. The swelling is getting worse in the evenings. And still get out of breath a lot if doing more strenuous stuff, like running for the bus:) so I can't say I'm totally back to normal. But it's only been 8 weeks, I don't expect miracles. 
The big bug is still there- my sore on the tummy. It's annoying as it's at the line where usually the trousers/skirt/pants/tights sit so it's healing VERY slowly. It's constantly getting rubbed although I always have a dressing/ plaster on it. I've been to see the nurse on TOO MANY occasions. About twice a week in the last 2-3 weeks. All they do is rip the scab off as it's stuck to the dressing, it bleeds.. They "clean" it which I've read makes the wound worse, funnily enough after they clean it--it bleeds worse. This has been going on for 8 weeks!!!! The wound has gone quite deep now, so I think it will scar just as bad if not worse than the insisions from the op. I don't think it's infected as there is no puss or woosing, it just wouldn't dry off and it keeps bleeding. Last week the nurse put another dressings on, piece of dry cotton folded in 4, and another dressing in top. I thought "here we go again, vicious circle"! So I came home and changed that for one for Faster Healing Hydrocolloid plasters which keep ta moist environment and helps the body heal it. You can change it once it starts coming off. Which was every other day. And by surprise- it wasn't bleeding and wasn't scabbing, therefore not getting stuck to the plaster. But it wasn't drying either which I suppose is bad as well. 
Anyways, last Thu went to the nurse again and she did t seem pleased with what I've done. Like I care. She cleaned it Again! I told her not to as it will disturb it and bleed. She said she has to clean it. It bled again. I actually looked at her and said "I told you so!". My original nurse is on holiday.. Not so keen on this one. Might cancel the next app. What's the point in waisting the petrol so they can do what I can at home!?! 
Not showered properly for 2 weeks again:((( just washing bits and hair over the bath tub.its frustrating!
Anyway, rant over... Here's some latest pictures. The right breast is still quite high, they are not dropping at the same rate. 
Another thing is started doing is sleeping without a bra on..and I use Dermatrix gel on my scars..anything to help them look better.

Tuesday 9 September 2014

6 weeks post-op

Last night I got the corset off. After the shower the tummy sore opened up again as the scab got attached to the "non-adhesive" dressing pad. It was bleeding AGAIN. For 6 weeks it didn't properly scab. Probably because of the suit compressing it and cutting off the blood supply so it wasn't healing well.
So I decided to leave the compression suit off for the night, leave the sore open to the air so it dries. 
I had to make sure I didn't cover myself with anything. I have some special shorts with higher band that are more supportive. It was relatively comfortable keeping in the swelling.
I can sleep on my sides now, it's a struggle and sometimes I can't lie on my side more than 5-10 minutes. 
I have my 6 weeks check with the nurse in 3 days. But I couldn't wait with the corset on anymore.
I bought some MaCom short corset, without the shorts attached. Not tried it on yet. I'm waiting on my sore to heal a bit before I put it on. 
Anyway, here's some pictures from today.

Sunday 7 September 2014

30 days post op

Well, it's going slowly but ok.
I no longer have the "morning boob"..which is the tenderness/ stiffness in the morning. It goes away after a while.. But that's gone now. And the right  implant seems to have dropped a bit more so they are more even.
Hopefully they will go down a bit more soon. And they have  bit more to soften up. 
I must admit I have the boob envy/ greed as expected them to end up bigger, but I expect they will look bigger in proper bras rather than MaCom which is squishing them down. 

The tummy is also recovering well. Despite of what I said about arnica pills, I decided to take them and I did so for about a week. I was desperate to get rid of the swelling:( 
I'm not sure if it worked at all. Still swollen.
The 2nd sore that I developed in the first week post op from the corset, the one that was always worse, was weeping again yesterday. It's healing very slowly:( 
I have it always covered so it doesn't catch and rub on the corset. 
The scabs on the right side are almost all off, the incision looks good. I still believe the belly button is off centre towards my left side (right in the picture).
Every time I take the corset off during the shower, it doesn't take long for the swelling to gather in the lower abdomen. I used to hear gurgling noises when I was getting in bed as I rolled from my side onto the back. But that stopped now; I guess that's good.
Here's some pictures from today.